I write songs about life and living. My music is a space for exploring rest and togetherness.
- Masks - my latest single
- Dance Again - a solo album about grief and healing
- So Am I - a solo album about being fully alive amid uncertainty
- Matter - a rock album about human value
- MaryAnn - a rock album about identity
- Fooled - my debut rock album released in 2006
I write books about how to live amidst uncertainty, how to heal through grief, and how to find a deeper sense of presence and connection in life.
- Dance Again: Grief is Healing - a book about losing my daughter, and finding myself
- So Am I - a book about choosing to be present amidst fear and uncertainty
More Writings
- A Voice in the Noise - a weekly newsletter exploring freedom and togetherness
- Essay Archive - home of my essays, most from the newsletter
Courses on breath, voice, and presence are coming...