Nathan Peterson

Private Voice Coaching

I support people in finding their voice and breathing freely as a sustainable and nourishing basis for the voice.

I'm not a traditional "singing teacher." We don't sing scales. I focus on helping students connect with their breath, feel a sense of safety where they are, and then to release β€” not push, not hold back β€” their authentic voice.

These lessons are for anyone wanting to share their authentic voice with the world β€” singers, actors, teachers, speakers, students, parents β€” and wanting to do it in a way that makes their voice stronger, not worn out, as they share it.

This approach to breath and voice also gives students practical tools for navigating the stresses and anxieties of everyday life. It’s all connected.

I teach a limited amount of private sessions, in-person (Chicago) or over Zoom.

I charge $200 for a 1-hour session. I also offer scholarships of up to 50% for anyone (no explanation required).

If you're interested in working together, reach out!