Nathan Peterson

House Concert Logistics

Thanks so much for hosting a concert! Here are answers to most frequently asked questions.

How does the money flow?

I never want money to get in the way of the wonderful things we can accomplish together. Money is a tool that, if used well, can make our venture together a huge success! Below is a starting point. We’ll firm up the specifics together.

For house concerts, I currently shoot for around $1500 in revenue. That can happen in different ways. For example:

Should I provide food or drinks?

This is completely up to you, but I have found that something simple and elegant like wine and a cheese board can significantly add to the experience for everyone.

What’s the schedule?

Typically, I start a concert at 7pm, but that is flexible.

I will show up 1 hour beforehand to set up and warm up.

I’ve found that encouraging people to mingle for 30 minutes or so before the concert starts (perhaps over a glass of wine), helps people to settle in, vs starting the music right at the start. Again, this is flexible.

What supplies and spaces are required?

Reach out with any additional questions. Again, thank you for being a host. Let’s create an unforgettable, transformative experience together!