Nathan Peterson

An Extraordinarily Bright Light

Yesterday I booked a couple of new gigs, and this morning I woke up feeling lighter than I have in a while. Things have been a little tight this year, and many mornings I've found myself worrying about money immediately upon waking. But today I woke wondering what I could do to be generous with the money I already have. I felt more myself today, more free. It was nice.

What has changed since yesterday? Well, I put those new gigs on my calendar... that's about it.

Nothing has actually happened. Nothing has actually changed. Nothing, except me. This feels incredibly important.

What would happen if we were to bypass circumstance and change ourselves first — to take personal responsibility for the changes in ourselves we hope new circumstances will bring?

Picture your goal — the "big one," the one that will change everything.

For a moment, can you assume your goal is going to happen, that it has already happened, that it is on the calendar, a done deal? Really feel that for a moment... what does that do inside?

Can you feel the truth? What you really want is already yours.

When you ask, believe you have received it, and it will be yours.

If I'm honest about my goal, I ask for it, but I do not really believe I'll receive it. No matter how hard I try to believe, I simply don't. I can't wrap my head around it actually happening. Why? It is because I feel I need to see how it could happen first, before believing.

I am stuck. Not just in the past. I am stuck in my past — what I have already known and experienced.

This is how we end up re-living cycles of the past — lives which have already been lived, over and over, by us and by generations before us.

But this is not our life. It can't be. We are alive today. We are here now.

Our true life is being revealed to us for the first time in this very moment.

Choosing to truly live is choosing to walk into the wild unknown.

How can we be free?

How can we live outside "the matrix" of our own beliefs, our own past, and our own conditioning?

I believe it is already being done. We are being freed. We are in the process.

These goals of ours are just symbols. Arbitrary numbers and scenarios. When they are accomplished, nothing actually changes… except us — how we feel, think, and act.

So change that first. Change it today. Right now.

How would you feel, think, and act if this goal of yours were already accomplished — a done deal? A better question:

How will you feel, think, and act, as if it were already done? Can you make this change today, first?

This is what will open the floodgates for the thing you hope will come... only, it may not matter so much to you then, since you will have already received it.

"It" being the thing you truly want when you picture your goal, which is not actually the goal itself, but rest... connection to your own generosity, easygoingness, creativity without pressure to perform... connection to your own exploratory, playful, childlike heart. Freedom.

This is our North Star — an Extraordinarily Bright Light, leading us to something incredibly important.

Star of Bethlehem, lead us to freedom.

#faith #freedom #goals #healing #hope #rest