Naked and Enough
You are safe.
Safe to be here. Right now, just where you are.
You do not need to move any faster. Or slower.
You are not "almost there." You aren't impossibly far behind. You are here. Here is exactly where you need to be.
So, it's okay to breathe.
It's okay to put the weight down.
To just be here. Only here. Only you.
Naked, and enough.
Your enough-ness does not depend on anything more happening.
Nothing more needs to be added. The effort of adding things to yourself can only obscure the extraordinarily bright light that you are, and have always been.
When you allow yourself to consider this, do you feel your body shift? Can you feel yourself begin to let go of so much unnecessary weight?
Your mind will jump back in. It will remind you of all of the things you need to do in order to be okay... in order for everyone else to be okay (so you can be okay).
But deep down you know: in 100 years we'll all be gone—all our doing will be forgotten.
You are free... free from shoulds, free from doing, free from adding. Free to be who you are, what you are, where you are, and nothing else.