I'm Not Here to Look Good
I feel a little anxious sharing this video with you today. I actually put this off for a few days, thinking maybe it's just not good enough to share at all.
And that thought brought up a huge question for me: not "good enough," according to who?
...and a second question: what about this video isn't "good enough?"
The video is just me. It's not edited. Several things happened during the filming that were frustrating. My impulse was to edit or to delete it.
That's why I'm sharing it with you today. I'm putting a stake in the ground:
I'm not here to look good.
There are enough people out there trying to look good. It's not helping anyone. And I don't like what trying to look good does to me inside.
So when I share something — whether it is with my wife, with my friends, or with the world — I am not going to add to the noise of manufactured things; I will only share myself, as I am.
In this video, "as I am," includes unexpected noisy construction, a distracted mind, self-doubt, and just enough courage to keep going — to not self-edit or edit out my imperfections.
That was the moment I recorded. That is what I am sharing with you today.
I hope you'll turn around and do the same in your own way.
There's enough manufactured things in the world, but there is a HUGE DEFICIT of real things.
I am sure that today you'll be faced with an opportunity to reject the impulse to self-edit, and instead to share yourself, as you are. I hope you will take it.